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- (Abstract) syntax representation
- (Informationally) connected operands
- (Informationally) incompatible operands
- (L,Y)-Bunch
- (L,Y)-Связка
- (Strong) equivalence of schemas
- (X,Y)-Intersection graphs
- (X,Y)-Графы пересечений
- (a, b)-Дерево
- (a,b)-Cut
- (a,b)-Linear class of graphs
- (a,b)-Panconnected graph
- (a,b)-Planar graph
- (a,b)-Separator
- (a,b)-Vertex pancyclic graph
- (a,b)-Плоский граф
- (a,d)-Edge-antimagic total graph
- (a,d)-Edge-antimagic total labeling
- (a,d)-Face antimagic graph
- (g,f)-Factor
- (g,f)-Factorization
- (g,f)-Graph
- (k,d)-Arithmetic graph
- (k,d)-Arithmetic numbering
- (k,d)-Coloring
- (k,d)-Раскраска
- (k,g)-Cage
- (p,q)-Graceful signed graph
- (r,s)-Regular graph
- (t,i,j)-Cover
- (α, β)-Остов
- (Абстрактное) синтаксическое дерево
- (Абстрактное) синтаксическое представление
- 0-Chain of a graph
- 0-Цепь графа
- 1-2-Братское дерево
- 1-2 Brother tree
- 1-Base
- 1-Chain of a graph
- 1-Chordal graph
- 1-Factor
- 1-Factorization of K 2n
- 1-Tree
- 1-edge hamiltonian graph
- 1-База
- 1-Дерево
- 1-Цепь графа
- 2-3-Tree
- 2-3-Дерево
- 2-3 Brother tree
- 2-Connected graph
- 2-Packing number
- 2-Packing of a graph
- 2-Pebbling property
- 2-Section graph
- 2-Switch
- 2-Секционный граф
- 3-Combination problem
- 3-set exact cover problem
- 3-Раскрашиваемость
- 5-Flow conjecture
- A-reprezentation of a cf-graph
- A-граф
- A-представление уграфа
- ANC-Грамматика
- AT-Free graph
- AVL-Tree
- Abdiff-tolerance competition graph
- Absolute hypergraph
- Absolute incenter
- Absolute inner radius
- Absolute median
- Absolute of a rooted tree
- Absolute outcenter
- Absolute outer radius
- Absolute retract
- Absorbant set
- Absorbent set
- Abstract computer
- Abstract graph
- Abstract machine
- Abstract syntax tree
- Acceptable assignment
- Access term
- Achromatic number
- Achromatic status
- Ackermann's function
- Acyclic chromatic number
- Acyclic colouring
- Acyclic dominating set
- Acyclic domination number
- Acyclic graph
- Acyclic orientation
- Additive hereditary graph property
- Addressable transformation graph
- Addressing scheme
- Adjacency
- Adjacency list
- Adjacency matrix
- Adjacency operator
- Adjacency property
- Adjacent arcs
- Adjacent edges
- Adjacent faces
- Adjacent forest graph
- Adjacent graphs
- Adjacent vertices
- Adjoint digraph
- Admissible sequence
- Advancing arc
- Algebraic connectivity
- Algebraic graph theory
- Algorithm
- Alive Petri net
- Almost 3-regular
- Almost cubic graph
- Alpha-Acyclic hypergraph
- Alpha-Cyclic hypergraph
- Alphabet
- Alt
- Alternating chain
- Amalgam
- Amalgamation of a graph
- Amallamorphic graphs
- Amount of a flow
- Anarboricity of a graph
- Ancestor of a vertex
- Animal
- Annihilator
- Anti-gem
- Antichain
- Anticlique
- Antidependence
- Antidirected Hamiltonian cycle
- Antidirected Hamiltonian path
- Antidirected path
- Antihole
- Antimagic graph
- Antiparallel arcs
- Antiprism
- Antisymmetric graph
- Antisymmetric relation
- Apex graph
- Approximable problem
- Approximate point spectrum
- Approximation algorithm
- Arbitrarily hamiltonian graph
- Arbitrarily traceable graph
- Arbitrarily traverseable graph
- Arbitrarily vertex decomposable graph
- Arboreal hypergraph
- Arborescence
- Arboricity of a graph
- Arc
- Arc-forwarding index
- Arc base
- Argument
- Arithmetic graph
- Arrangeable alt
- Arrangeable graph
- Arrangement
- Articulation point
- Articulation set
- Assignment problem
- Associated Cayley digraph
- Associated undirected graph
- Associative search
- Asteroidal number
- Asteroidal set
- Asteroidal triple
- Asymmetric graph
- Asymmetric relation
- Atomic formula
- Attachment graph
- Attribute grammar
- Attribute tree
- Augmented adjacency matrix
- Augmenting chain
- Automata theory
- Automorphism
- Automorphism group
- Automorphism problem
- Average connectivity
- Average domination number
- Average independent domination number
- B*-дерево
- B-Tree
- B-Дерево
- B-дерево (дерево многоканального поиска)
- B-дерево степени m
- B-деревья без явного задания параметров кэша
- BB-Tree
- BB-Дерево
- Back-edge
- Backbone
- Backbone coloring
- Backbone coloring number
- Backward arc
- Balance of a vertex
- Balanced circuit
- Balanced digraph
- Balanced graph
- Balanced hypergraph
- Balanced signed graph
- Ball number
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth sum
- Bar-visibility graph
- Base digraph
- Base of a directed graph
- Base of a matroid
- Based graph
- Basic block
- Basic cycle
- Basic cycle set
- Basic numberings
- Basis number
- Basis of a digraph
- Batch systems
- Beraha number
- Berge's Formula
- Berge's complete graph
- Berge's conjecture
- Berge graph
- Bi-Helly family
- Biblock
- Bicenter
- Bicenter tree
- Bicentre
- Bicentroid of a tree
- Bichordal bipartite graph
- Bichromatic graph
- Bichromatic hypergraph
- Biclique
- Biclique edge cover
- Biclique edge covering number
- Biclique number
- Bicoloured subgraph
- Bicomponent
- Biconnected component
- Biconvex bipartite graph
- Bicritical graph
- Bicubic graph
- Bidirectional arcs
- Bifurcant
- Bigraph
- Bihypergraph
- Binary Hamming graph
- Binary de Bruijn graph
- Binary matroid
- Binary n-dimensional cube
- Binary relation
- Binary search tree
- Binary sorting tree
- Binary split tree
- Binary tree
- Binary vertex
- Binode
- Binomial tree
- Bipanpositionable graph
- Bipartite bihypergraph
- Bipartite density
- Bipartite graph
- Bipartite matroid
- Bipartite permutation graph
- Bipartite tolerance graph
- Bipyramid
- Bisection width of a graph
- Bisimplicial edge
- Bistochastic matrix
- Block
- Block-cutvertex tree, block-cutpoint graph
- Block duplicate graph
- Block graph
- Block of a graph
- Bondy--Chvtal closure operation
- Boundary NCE graph grammar
- Boundary node of a fragment
- Boundary of a 2-mesh
- Boundary of a face
- Boundary operator
- Bounded Petri net
- Bounded reachability matrix
- Bounded reaching matrix
- Bounded tolerance graph
- Boundedness problem
- Branch-weight centroid number
- Branch of a tree relative to a vertex v
- Breadth first search
- Bridge
- Bridged graph
- Bridgeless graph
- Broadcast digraph
- Broadcast graph
- Broadcasting problem
- Brooks graph
- Brother of a vertex
- Brother tree
- Brute force'' method
- Bull
- Butterfly graph
- C-Chordal graph
- CF-Language
- CF-grammar
- CKI-орграф
- CS-Grammar
- CS-language
- Cactus
- Cage number
- Call graph
- Capacity of a cut-set
- Capacity of an arc
- Cardinal product
- Cardinality constrained circuit problem
- Cartesian product of graphs
- Cartesian sum of graphs
- Case term
- Categorical product of graphs
- Caterpillar
- Caterpillar-pure graph
- Cayley graph
- Center
- Center of gravity of a graph
- Center vertex
- Central distance
- Central fringe
- Central vertex
- Centroid
- Centroid sequence
- Centroid vertex
- Centroidal vertex
- Cf-Graph
- Chain
- Chain graph
- Characteristic number of a graph
- Characteristic polynomial of Laplacian
- Characteristic polynomial of a graph
- Chinese postman's problem
- Choice number
- Chomsky hierarchy
- Chomsky normal form
- Choosability
- Chord
- Chordal bipartite graph