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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 501 до 550.
- Context-sensitive grammar
- Context-sensitive language
- Contrabasis
- Contractable edge
- Contracted visibility graph
- Contracting edge, contraction of an edge
- Contraction of a graph
- Contraction of an even pair
- Contrafunctional graph
- Control dependence
- Converse digraph
- Convex bipartite graph
- Convex dominating set
- Convex domination number
- Convex linear graph
- Convex set in G
- Coordinated graph
- Corank function of a matroid
- Core
- Corona
- Cospectral graphs
- Cotree, co-tree
- Countable graph
- Counter automaton
- Coverability tree
- Covering cycle
- Covering graph
- Covering set of vertices
- Covering vertex set
- Critical edge
- Critical graph
- Critical kernel-imperfect digraph
- Critical pair
- Critical path
- Critical path method
- Critical set
- Critical tournament
- Critical vertex
- Criticality index
- Critically k-connected graph
- Cross
- Cross-adjacent edges
- Cross-chromatic index
- Cross-free coloring
- Cross-free matching
- Cross-free matching number
- Cross arc
- Cross product
- Crossing number
- Crown