
Block graph: различия между версиями

Материал из WEGA
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'''Block graph''' --- блоковый граф.  
То же, что  [[Граф блоков]].

A graph <math>G</math> is a '''block graph''' if <math>G</math> is connected and every maximal 2-connected
A graph <math>G</math> is a '''block graph''' if <math>G</math> is connected and every maximal 2-connected
subgraph (i.e., a ''block'') is complete (i.e., a ''clique''. Another name is
subgraph (i.e., a ''block'') is complete (i.e., a ''clique''. Another name is
'''completed Husimi tree'''.
'''completed Husimi tree'''.
[[Категория:Неориентированные графы]]