Материал из WEGA
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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 901 до 950.
- Oriented edge
- Orthogonal (g,f)-factorization
- Orthogonal double cover
- Oscillation of a graph
- Out-neighbourhood
- Out-semicomplete digraph
- Out-tree
- Outdegree, out-degree
- Outdegree matrix
- Outpath
- Output dependence
- Output node of fragment
- Output place
- Outset
- P-Competition graph
- P-Critical graph
- P-Language
- P-Radius
- P-well-covered graph
- P4-Связный граф
- P=NP problem, P versus NP problem
- P 4-Isomorphic graphs
- P 4-Reduced graph
- P 4-Reducible graph
- P 4-Sparse graph
- Paired-dominating set
- Paired-domination number
- Pan-bicentral graph
- Pan-unicentral graph
- Pancentral graph
- Panpropositionable Hamiltonian graph
- Parikh mapping
- Parse tree
- Partial-edge separator
- Partial graph morphism
- Partial hypergraph
- Partial k-path
- Partial signed domination number
- Partially decidable problem
- Partially ordered set
- Partially square graph
- Partition of a set
- Passive state of compound transition
- Path-Hamiltonian edge
- Path-decomposition
- Path coloring
- Path layer matrix
- Path pile
- Path pile number
- Pathwidth of a graph