Материал из WEGA
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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 51 до 100.
- Addressable transformation graph
- Adjacent forest graph
- Adjacent graphs
- Adjoint digraph
- Advancing arc
- Algebraic connectivity
- Algebraic graph theory
- Alive Petri net
- Alpha-Acyclic hypergraph
- Amalgam
- Amalgamation of a graph
- Amallamorphic graphs
- Amount of a flow
- Ancestor of a vertex
- Annihilator
- Anti-gem
- Antichain
- Anticlique
- Antidependence
- Antimagic graph
- Antiparallel arcs
- Antiprism
- Approximable problem
- Approximate point spectrum
- Approximation algorithm
- Arbitrarily vertex decomposable graph
- Arboreal hypergraph
- Arborescence
- Arc-forwarding index
- Argument
- Arithmetic graph
- Arrangeable alt
- Articulation set
- Asteroidal set
- Asteroidal triple
- Atomic formula
- Augmenting chain
- Automata theory
- Automorphism group
- Automorphism problem
- Average domination number
- Average independent domination number
- Back-edge
- Backbone coloring number
- Balanced digraph
- Balanced graph
- Ball number
- Bandwidth sum
- Bar-visibility graph
- Basis number