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Материал из WEGA
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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 251 до 300.
- Binary n-dimensional cube
- Binary relation
- Binary search tree
- Binary sorting tree
- Binary split tree
- Binary tree
- Binary vertex
- Binode
- Binomial tree
- Bipanpositionable graph
- Bipartite bihypergraph
- Bipartite density
- Bipartite graph
- Bipartite matroid
- Bipartite permutation graph
- Bipartite tolerance graph
- Bipyramid
- Bisection width of a graph
- Bisimplicial edge
- Bistochastic matrix
- Block
- Block-cutvertex tree, block-cutpoint graph
- Block duplicate graph
- Block graph
- Block of a graph
- Bondy--Chvtal closure operation
- Boundary NCE graph grammar
- Boundary node of a fragment
- Boundary of a 2-mesh
- Boundary of a face
- Boundary operator
- Bounded Petri net
- Bounded reachability matrix
- Bounded reaching matrix
- Bounded tolerance graph
- Boundedness problem
- Branch-weight centroid number
- Branch of a tree relative to a vertex v
- Breadth first search
- Bridge
- Bridged graph
- Bridgeless graph
- Broadcast digraph
- Broadcast graph
- Broadcasting problem
- Brooks graph
- Brother of a vertex
- Brother tree
- Brute force'' method
- Bull