Материал из WEGA
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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 1301 до 1350.
- Test and decrement operator
- Tightly connected vertices
- Timed Petri nets
- Token
- Tolerance representation
- Total Z-transformation graph
- Total dominating function
- Total dominating number
- Total dominating set
- Total domination edge critical graph
- Total domination number
- Total domination subdivision number
- Total edge length of a graph
- Total k-subdominating function
- Total k-subdomination number
- Total labeling
- Total restrained dominating set
- Totally balanced matrix
- Totally irregular graph
- Totally stratified net formula
- Toughness of a graph
- Traceable digraph
- Traceable graph
- Trampoline of order p
- Transformer
- Transition
- Transition firing
- Transitive series-parallel digraph
- Transposition symmetry permutation
- Transversal number
- Transversal set
- Trap
- Trapezoid graph
- Traveling tourist problem
- Tree-decomposition
- Tree-perfect graph
- Tree automaton
- Tree domination number
- Tree t-spanner
- Triad
- Triangular graph
- Triangulated-perfect graph
- Triangulated triangle
- Triangulation of a circuit
- Triangulation of a graph
- Triconnected graph
- Trivial deadend
- Trivial deadlok
- Trivial interval
- Trivial tree