Independence graph of a graph

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Версия от 13:55, 19 мая 2011; Glk (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «'''Independence graph of a graph''' --- граф независимости графа. Maximum independent sets in <math>G</math> will be also called <math>\alpha…»)
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Independence graph of a graph --- граф независимости графа.

Maximum independent sets in [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math] will be also called [math]\displaystyle{ \alpha }[/math]--sets in [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math]. The independence number [math]\displaystyle{ \alpha(G) }[/math] of a graph [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math] is the cardinality of an [math]\displaystyle{ \alpha }[/math]--set in [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math]. Let [math]\displaystyle{ {\mathcal S} }[/math] be the set of [math]\displaystyle{ \alpha }[/math]--sets of [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math]. Then the independence graph [math]\displaystyle{ Ind(G) }[/math] of [math]\displaystyle{ G }[/math] is the graph with [math]\displaystyle{ V(Ind(G)) = {\mathcal S} }[/math], and [math]\displaystyle{ S_{1}, S_{2} \in {\mathcal S} }[/math] are adjacent whenever [math]\displaystyle{ S_{1} \cap S_{2} = \emptyset }[/math].