Transitive series-parallel digraph

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Версия от 07:05, 4 августа 2011; Glk (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «'''Transitive series-parallel digraph''' --- транзитивный параллельно-последовательный орграф. ''' Transitive series-p…»)
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Transitive series-parallel digraph --- транзитивный параллельно-последовательный орграф.

Transitive series-parallel digraphs are recursively defined as:

(1) A digraph on a single node is TSP (transitive series-parallel).

(2) If [math]\displaystyle{ G_{1} = (V_{1},E_{1}) }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ G_{2} = (V_{2},E_{2}) }[/math] are TSP digraphs and [math]\displaystyle{ V_{1} \cap V_{2} = \emptyset }[/math], then

(2.1) [math]\displaystyle{ G_{1} \parallel G_{2} = (V_{1} \cup V_{2}, E_{1} \cup E_{2}) }[/math] is a TSP digraph (the parallel composition).

(2.2) [math]\displaystyle{ G_{1} \rightarrow G_{2} = (V_{1} \cup V_{2}, E_{1} \cup E_{2} \cup (V_{1} \times V_{2})) }[/math] is a TSP digraph (the series composition).

(3) There are no further TSP digraphs.