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Материал из WikiGrapp
Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 351 до 400.
- Circular perfect graph
- Circumference of a graph
- Circumstance
- Circumstance problem
- Classification of Binary Trees
- Claw
- Claw-free graph
- Clique
- Clique-good graph
- Clique-independence number
- Clique-independent set
- Clique-partition
- Clique-perfect graph
- Clique-transversal
- Clique-transversal number
- Clique-width
- Clique convergent
- Clique cover
- Clique cover number, clique-covering number
- Clique divergent
- Clique graph
- Clique matrix
- Clique model
- Clique number
- Clique polynomial
- Clique problem
- Clique separator
- Clique size
- Clique tree
- Closed hamiltonian neighbourhood
- Closed neighbourhood
- Closed semiring
- Closed walk
- Closure of graph
- Cluster
- Clustered graph
- Clutter
- Coadjoint graphs
- Coadjoint pair
- Coalescing of two rooted graphs
- Coarseness
- Cobase of a matroid
- Coboundary of a graph
- Coboundary operator
- Cochromatic number
- Cocircuit of a graph
- Cocircuit of a matroid
- Cocomparability graph
- Cocomparability number
- Cocomparability ordering